Source: New Zealand Police (National News)
Superintendent Willi Fanene (Fata Willi) was welcomed this week to Wellington into his new role of National Partnerships Manager for Pacific Peoples for New Zealand Police.
An ‘ava ceremony was held at the Royal New Zealand Police College for him in the true Samoan tradition.
Fata Willi, the 44-year veteran has been based at Police National Headquarters (PNHQ) since May where his fits into the new structure within Police Māori Pacific and Ethnic Services. His position sits alongside Superintendent Anaru Pewhairangi, managing Māori, and Superintendent Rakesh Naidoo overseeing Ethnic partnerships.
Superintendent Fanene says, “It’s not lost on me that I don’t have that long to go in Police so I am motivated to achieve as much as possible and lay a solid foundation for the next person who will take over from me.”