least transferring the gut bacteria from a fat mouse to a thin mouse caused the latter to become fat. together with other researchers wants to find out of this applies to humans too. he s compiling a collection of people s gut data. as we can should we take a stool sample and collect the genetic material from it. the results show that the diversity of gut bacteria is different in slim and overweight people. it s preferable to have a lot of different strains of bacteria. as any fitly obesity study showed that a quarter of people have produced biodiversity in the gut. and that correlates with trikes that aren t very desirable by. like an increased risk of inflammation is equal. sterility is vital in hospitals but excessive cleaning and fear of germs
individual set of bacteria certain gut microorganisms may cause obesity in mice at least transferring the gut bacteria from a fat mouse to a thin mouse caused the latter to become fat. together with other researchers fork wants to find out if this applies to humans too. he s compiling a collection of people s gut data and. we can should we take a stool sample and collect the genetic material from it. the results show that the diversity of gut bacteria is different in slim and overweight people. it s preferable to have a lot of different strains of bacteria. as any fitly of the city study showed that a quarter of people have produced biodiversity in the gut that it s. not correlates with trikes that aren t very desirable by like an increased risk of inflammation as