in the line of duty protecting our southern border. his death causing a national outcry while also revealing the fast and furious operation. brian: on tuesday the man responsible for pulling that trigger was convicted of first degree murder and other charges. here to react is his brother kent terry. good to see you again. your reaction to somebody getting charged for this? well, it was an h emotional week for us. when the verdict was read he was found guilty it was emotional closure for us. we are heading in the right directions trying to get closure. ainsley: it s sad because we have 17 other border patrol agents that have been killed since your brother s death. those folks we re remembering this morning, too. it s so tragic. what do you say to the border patrol agents out there risking their lives every single day to protect our country? i can t say enough. these guys are dedicated
150%. they put their families second to protect this soil here. and they need to be recognized. brian: other thing is other people here up on charges for the death of your brother part of elite border patrol unit. you want to find out more information on fast and furious and other information on circumstances of your brother getting shot and killed? my family does because, you got to stop and think these guys were armed by our atf agency and people in washington. and i heard some stuff in the trial that these guys traveled 500 miles with weapons back here to commit crimes. that s pretty disturbing. and that is just what we know about brian s death. can you imagine how often that goes on. ainsley: how do you wrap your head around that? because if the weapons were never out there you would have your brother today, probably. exactly if atf would have never put those weapons out there, i wouldn t have been at trial. i would have been having a
beer on my brother s patio and enjoying time and talking to him. that trial should have never happened on both part. it s sad that it s going on nine years now and my family hasn t got any closure. brian: someone knows. someone knows who was behind fast and furious. where we put gun into the hands of would be known drug cartel members in order to track them and find out about their amusements. no one has even been charged with this. it seems like eric holder stiff armed the whole investigation. exactly. not even anybody in the atf has been held accountable. not even a slap on the hand. these guys are still carrying a badge and gun making decisions that were involved in this in this reckless scandal. and that s why i call on president trump to meet with my family, tell my family either he is going to help us or he is not. i mean, it s gone on long enough. my family needs closure. ainsley: in order to get that closure, you want to see all the documents? yes. all the documents and who
brian: as americans go to vote tomorrow what happens if democrats do win the house. which ranking represent tis could become chairs of key congressional committees and what would that mean? here to break it down with assignment been working hard on it senior fellow women s voice fox news fox news contributor lisa booth. hopefully i pass the test. brian: see how you do. elijah cummings ranking member to chairman of oversight what would that mean. oversight committee has the broadest authority in oversight investigations. remember when congress held eric holder in contempt of congress regarding the fast and furious operation and his failure to turn over documents. that originated with the house oversight committee. so, this is probably going to be the most aggressive committee in trying to go after president trump on a variety of different things. is he likely going to be taking over the committee if democrats were to win the house.
fast and furious operation. he also is the one who went after the dea caught up in the prostitution scandal in colombia prostitutes paid for by drug cartels there. he has not been afraid to go after the federal government. he has not been afraid to shine that light and get some clarity there. so it s going to be really interesting to see what he does here and what he unearths. leland: dare we say we have finally found perhaps, even, an honest man in washington. that s where representative francis rouhani one of the very few i would say one of the finest and honest men in washington. here is what he had to say. i would like to see the directors of those agencies purge it. look we have a lot of great agents and lawyers here. those are the people that i want the american people to see and know the good works being done. not the people who are the deep state. language like that, congressman, purge? purge the department of justice? well, i think that