Trout and salmon fishing has been productive in the rivers, holdover stripers are active and freshwater ponds see action from crappie, pickerel and bass.
Connecticut Fishing Report – April 29, 2021
Schoolie bass are chasing herring in the tidal rivers and tautog fishing has turned on.
Heather from
Blackhawk Sportfishing reports that they’re gearing up to start fishing this week! The requests for squid trips have been high, and they will be posting them as soon as they know that the squid are in. They will be posting tickets for their trips one week at a time, approximately two weeks ahead of time. The trips will be by reservation only, so be sure to book your seats ASAP! Captain Greg will be presenting seminars at the Black Hall Outfitters grand opening in Westbrook on Saturday and Sunday, so be sure to stop by if you’re in the area.
Rhode Island Fishing Report – April 29, 2021
Spring tautog action is starting to pick up in the salt, while trout and largemouth bass action is holding down the fort in the freshwater.
Rhode Island Fishing Report
Captain Frank, of
The Frances Fleet in Point Judith, reports that they have been keeping themselves busy getting the boats ready for the upcoming season. They have also been working on the website and their store to make it easier for those trying to book reservations. All trips could be booked online now, including half day, full day fluke, squid and even the tuna trips. They will look to sail whenever possible, and they are looking forward to fluke season!