Weekly report from the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office for November 18 through November 24, 2023. All persons charged are innocent until proven guilty. 11/18/2023 0845hrs, Sheriff Nichols and Chief Deputy Lowell participated in a community policing event at the Wilton Fish and Game. 11/18/2023 0853hrs, Sgt. Close responded to a report of a suspicious person
Weekly report from the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office for November 11 through November 17, 2023. All persons charged are innocent until proven guilty. 11/11/2023 1005hrs, Deput Couture responded to a report of a domestic disturbance at a residence on the Spaulding Road in Strong. No charges were filed against the participants. 11/11/2023 1331hrs, Deputy Morgan
FARMINGTON - On Friday, November 10, 2023, American Legion Roderick-Crosby Post 28 will hold a voluntary toll booth at the intersection of Farmington Falls Road and Main Street from 2-4 p.m. Proceeds collected assist local veterans in need, support Post 28 children and youth programs such as local Scouting and Dirigo State (formerly Boys State)
Weekly report from the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office for October 28 to November 3, 2023. All persons charged are innocent until proven guilty. 10/28/2023 1228hrs, Deputy Morgan investigated a trespass complaint on the Holley Road in New Vineyard. 10/28/2023 1406hrs, Deputy Morgan received a complaint of hunters trespassing off the Pope Road in Chesterville. The
Weekly report from the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office for October 21 – 27, 2023. All persons charged are innocent until proven guilty. 10/21/23 0832hrs, Deputy Morgan responded to a 911 call at a residence on the River Road in Avon. The person there would not come to the door after calling. Deputy Gray was called