the bill is the money for border security. which we all agree on. you have to have border security to have a secure nation. that s indisputable. you got offered $25 billion. remember that deal? not too long ago. that s something they walked away from too. when they were negotiating that. this is something we sent over there. something good. and also got the disaster relief that s needed for the southeast states that get hit hard by the hurricane michael. in my state alone there s 3 million acres of timber on the ground. $1.3 billion in timber that will go to waste. farmers won t be able to plant crops for nest spring. if we don t have relief. that s something we have to get in there. democrats aren t holding you up over that. this is about the wall. this has nothing to do with you. your caucus is sportive of the wall. i can t make sense of it for american people. you are talking about the same
here i am. rock you like a hurricane fiber one now makes cookies. find them in the cookie aisle. got some quick food headlines for you now. get ready to hand over more cheddar for your next b.l.t. it hit a record high, $1.65 to make each. that is because a virus-killing pig is driving up the price of bacon. drought in california is hiking the price of lettuce. there s a sweet corn shortage in the heartland. late snow and heavy rains are forcing crops to come in late. farmers won t be able to start picking until later this week, about ten days later than usual. clayton, over to you and elisabeth. he was the first guy you remember this guy to buy legal weed in washington state. he camped out overnight but it cost him his job when he