Die Entwicklung ist so, dass das Land entvölkert wird. In der Landwirtschaft braucht man kaum mehr Leute, sagt Franz Hofer über die Entwicklung der vergangen Jahrzehnte im Osten Deutschlands, kurz bevor er zu einer Reise nach Sachsen aufbricht. Vor genau 60 Jahren hat er in der damaligen DDR (Deutsche Demokratische Republik) ein Praktikum gemacht. Just in den Tagen des Baus der Berliner Mauer. Zum Jahrestag will er die Orte von damals wieder besuchen.
one reason. fear. what do people really fear? economic collapse. i think that s the biggest fear. if you look at the numbers though, the economy has gotten better for much of the country. why don t people feel it here? without the oil boom and the fracti fracking industry, people would have been hurting. that s brought money into the area. it would have been a lot more depressed economy without that happening. reporter: carol county is be eastern ohio s drilling area. it supplements the daniels income. at the height of the shell boom, it made many farmers millionaires. oil prices tanked, reinforcing pieces of government over regulation, and mr. trump tapped? ere we we re not going to le epa destroy our companies from shale and other things.