Information expressed in the public domain by the Repharm Group is deceptive and contradictory
Today, on February 19, information has arrived in the public domain that the company from Repharm Group will acquire the shares of JSC “Olainfarm” directly and indirectly owned by Anna Emilija Maligina.
The Chairman of the Management Board of JSC Olainfarm Jeroen Weites points out that Signe Baldere - Sildedze, the legal representative of Anna Emilija Maligina, has informed the Board of JSC Olainfarm that the information in the public domain is false and the deal entered with SIA Farma Fund (previous name Zdorovie Europe) is not valid. Consequently, there is no basis for Repharm group to make such a statement.
Olainfarm: Information expressed in the public domain by the Repharm Group is deceptive and contradictory
Today, on February 19, information has arrived in the public domain that the company from Repharm Group will acquire the shares of JSC Olainfarm directly and indirectly owned by Anna Emilija Maligina.
The Chairman of the Management Board of JSC Olainfarm Jeroen Weites points out that Signe Baldere - Sildedze, the legal representative of Anna Emilija Maligina, has informed the Board of JSC Olainfarm that the information in the public domain is false and the deal entered with SIA Farma Fund (previous name Zdorovie Europe) is not valid. Consequently, there is no basis for Repharm group to make such a statement.