president for even mentioning the armageddon word and his massage was to let the message was to let the world be on notice and nothing to do with happening events here but what they re being threatened particularly by vladamir putin. lucas tomlinson traveling with the president in delaware has the latest. lucas. reporter: neil, 60 years ago the soviet ships that carried the nuclear warheads to cuba departed from ukraine. now 60 years later, the prospect of another nuclear conflict according to president biden speaking off camera at a democratic fundraiser saying we have not faced a prospect of arm go ahead since kennedy and the nuclear missile cry reporter: i spent time with him and he s not joking about the use of bio-chemical or nuclear weapons and the white house secretary walked back those comments. we have not seen any reason to adjust our own nuclear posture, nor do we have
to make sure the cows are getting the best care that they can. so, where does the milk from the cows on the welsh farm go? if i want to test our milk, where does it go to? - freshways. company called freshways. freshways? it s in london. freshways supplies a lot of milk into the service industry, including to big brands such as british airways and costa coffee. historically, freshways has been one of the lower payers. they are taking advantage of the contract that they ve got with their farmer and passing all too often the price pressures back down the line on to that farmer who is supplying them, and it s something that, as an industry, we re trying to stop happening. we ve analysed the amount that freshways has paid farmers over the last seven years, and they ve regularly been one of the lower payers.
or take advantage of new technology that s out, to make sure the cows are getting the best care that they can. so where does the milk from the cows on the welsh farm go? freshways supplies a lot of milk into the service industry, including to big brands such as british airways and costa coffee. historically, freshways has been one of the lower payers. they are taking advantage of the contract that they ve got with their farmer and passing all too often the price pressures back down the line on to that farmer who is supplying them, and it s something that, as an industry, we re trying to stop happening. we ve analysed the amount that freshways has paid farmers over the last seven years, and they ve regularly been one of the lower payers.
talking about the ability to walk in and blow away 41 people, drive to another place of worship a few miles away, shoot seven more. the the collision of this, but it take any guts to do it. you just go in and do it if you have the guns. your thoughts? yeah, i agree and i agree with everything mr. khan said. mr. khan, you re one of my super heroes. i appreciate all the sacrifices your family have made for this country, and i hope that at some point in the future you and i can arm in arm go together to do good things in the world. chris, i ve said that. it takes hatred and guns and you could see the damage it does. i was devastated to hear the news coming from new zealand, how pittsburgh, squirrel hill in pittsburgh, such a lovely community, this will never happen to us, and it did. new zealand, everybody talks about new zealand being such a
yet? reporter: ashleigh, we do. let me show you where. right now you can see where the arm, the 80-foot arm of the track is situated. we ve seen that arm go down into what seemed to be the cav earn. maybe we ll see this in a moment. they are trying to make sure they prevent any new debris from going into that hole. they send that arm down and pick up any new debris and bring it back. again, it was quite interesting, quite incredible quite frankly to see that arm go so far and from what we know, it could be 50 feet deep or 20 to 30 foot wide. it s a big cavern. the question is what is that foundation standing on? there s a concern that the foundation itself could collapse into the hole. you do find as you mentioned, a delicate process to remove the debris. it s hard to believe that they can t recover the body.