there is no public accountabili accountability. there s no congressional oversight. the country is profoundly disconnected. we talk a lot about constitutional crises. this in my view is maybe the biggest one we face right now because nukes are involved. absolutely. nukes are involved. this literally means potentially the end of the world, so the stakes are higher than anything else we contemplate. we were talking about this the other day, that the challenge, too, is that as you ve got farm bankruptcies rampant, as you ve got people sure, unemployment s at 3.6%, but a lot of people are driving uber and lyft and have three jobs and get counted three times, right? so people aren t exactly rolling in dough and doing really well. and so, it s easy to just pick off young men, young women and just say, go join the military. fatten up the military, get a check and then you re off to war. yeah. there s a lot of talk about supporting the troops. the ultimate disrespect to the troops is