March 29, 2021
You are here: Home / Europe / Norway Says ‘No Way’: Norwegian Government Faces Furious Backlash Against Industrial Wind Power
Norway Says ‘No Way’: Norwegian Government Faces Furious Backlash Against Industrial Wind Power
Pollster’s claims about everyone being in favour of wind power hit a brick wall just as soon as wind turbines get speared into their backyards. Funny about that.
Delivering a grinding, thumping, pulsing cacophony of low-frequency noise; destroying bog lands, waterways and poisoning underground water supplies; throwing 15 tonne blades to the four winds; sparking wildfires; slaughtering birds and bats; and ruining pristine landscapes – including the wholesale clear-felling of forests – it doesn’t take people long to turn against industrial wind power. And, so it goes in Norway.