Let me especially thing your outstanding principal. [applause] there are all kinds of notable guests here but i just want to mention a few. First of all, our outstanding secretary of the department of homeland security, and janet napolitano. [applause] our wonderful secretary of the interior ken salazar. [applause] former secretary of labor, hilda solis. [applause] two of the outstanding members of the congressional delegation from nevada, steve and gina. [applause] your own mayor, carolyn goodman. [applause] we also have some mayors who flew in because they know how important issue we are to talk about today is. Maria from arizona. Qassim from atlanta, georgia. Rick from phoenix, arizona. And ashley from fresno, calif. [applause] than all of you are here, as well as some of the top labor leaders in the country. We are so grateful. Outstanding Business Leaders are here as well. Of course, we have wonderful students here. [applause] those of you have a seat, feel free to take a seat. I