Starblazer - Space Fiction Adventure in Pictures was a British small-format comics anthology in black and white published by D. C. Thomson & Co. Ltd.
The comic book magazine was launched in response to the popularity of science fiction in the 1970s at the cinema and on television. A science ficti
By Nikki Montgomery
“Ready Player Two” by Ernest Cline
Published: November 24, 2020 Ballantine Books
Genres: Novel, LitRPG, Science Fiction, Fantasy Fiction, Dystopian Fiction, Pop culture fiction
“Ready Player Two” is the sequel to Ernest Cline’s highly successful first novel “Ready Player One” and if you’re expecting it to be just like the first, you won’t be disappointed. If you liked “Ready Player One” you’re going to like “Ready Player Two.” I felt like “Ready Player Two” was really just more of the same.
Wade Watts inherited the wealth, business and home of his idol and Oasis creator James Halliday at the end of “Ready Player One.” “Ready Player Two” starts off with Wade and his friends that helped him find the Easter Egg, running the Oasis and we learn that they absorbed IOI between stories. IOI was the bad guy of the previous story so now that they’ve become part of Wade’s company, who will fill the bad guy shoes
Debut author Genevieve Gornichec dives into how her novel The Witch s Heart reinvents Norse mythology and how NaNoWriMo helped her meet her publication goals.
By Nikki Montgomery
“Ready Player One” by Ernest Cline
Published: August 16, 2011 by Crown Publishing Group
Genres: Novel, LitRPG, Science Fiction, Fantasy Fiction, Dystopian Fiction, Pop culture fiction
Ernest Cline killed it with his first novel “Ready Player One.” This story takes place in 2045 when people have basically abandoned the real world for life in a virtual world called the OASIS. “Ready Player One” revolves around a teenage boy named Wade Watts, AKA Parzival, who embarks on a quest to find the Easter Egg that the creator, James Halliday, hid within the virtual world. To find the Easter Egg Parzival needs to enlist the help of a group of friends and complete smaller quests to find keys that will ultimately lead him to the Easter Egg and the keys to the OASIS kingdom.
Olga Grushin: The No Man s Land Between Genres
Award-winning author Olga Grushin discusses what it meant to wade into a new genre and how she put her spin on the fairy tale retelling.
Jan 23, 2021 Olga Grushin was born in Moscow, spent her childhood in Prague, and moved to the United States at eighteen, becoming the first Russian citizen to receive an American college degree. She is the author of three previous novels
. Her debut,
The Dream Life of Sukhanov, won the New York Public Library Young Lions Fiction Award, earned her a place on
Granta’s once-a-decade Best Young American Novelists list, and was one of the