The Adventure Zone: Bureau of Balance.
Photo: Beth Elderkin/io9
Way up in the stars, there’s a secret moon base called the Bureau of Balance. It’s a place where anything can happen including a visit to a Fantasy Costco. It’s here that we set the stage for
The Adventure Zone: Bureau of Balance, a card and board game that might be one of the most accessible entryways into RPGs I’ve ever experienced.
: Bureau of Balance from Twogether Studios is a collaborative game where 2-6 players work together to face a number of obstacles (organized in “challenge decks”) leading to one of three final bosses Villain, Relic, or Location two of which have to be defeated in order to win the game. Challenge decks include things like fighting swarms of rats and escaping a haunted mine (with the occasional “smack talk a mean skeleton” to add a bit of levity), and each is designed to intersect with the others on the board, providing unique narrative and combat opportun