do something that he had trouble, john boehner his predecessor had trouble doing, which is to help get the very unruly republican rank-and-file foeked and shame them into living. it would have been nice. i would not be surprised because there s constant communication between kevin mccarthy and paul ryan and donald trump, if this is something they knew he was going to do. i was told this was all djt, meaning donald trump, but i wouldn t be surprised. look at the speed with which things happened. it was mind-blowing. kellyanne conway, who is speaking for the president-elect, and is supposed to come out on television and have a full understanding on his thoughts on this. she embraced this change. she was not at all with ryan and mccarthy. she was defending it and embracing it. then paul ryan puts out a statement that clearly indicates he thinks it s going to pass because he starts doing fancy footwork about even though i m opposed to this, this is how
speaker and leadership want to pass rules changes the freedom caucus doesn t like. what they have as leverage is simply their caucus vote of 40 to say if he passes these rules changes, we aren t going to vote for him. they are negotiating and doing fancy footwork now in order to prevent rules changes like vacate the chair motion which was the motion that led to speaker boehner s downfall. sounds like the type of thing we have heard before. posturing? what? harumphing. posturing. mary katherine, there is this question about whose party is it after this election. the question is being asked right now and it will really be asked after this election, look, if donald trump wins there s a clear winner, a clear answer to whose party it is. if he loses, what s the answer? yeah. i think the fight is raging as margaret points out, that s going on behind the scenes right now. a little more context, one of the happiest men in america is john boehner, who kicked back with a 9 iron and borde
oh, no! there s a tradition in new hampshire presidential politics where candidates have to flip pancakes at a pancake breakfast. oh, no! you compare and contrast the politicians skill at flipping pancakes at this event. gary bauer was the worst ever. jack be nimble, jack be quick, whoa, jack fall over the bisquick. one of the most embarrassing moments for any politician i ve seen. i hope your campaign platform is more solid than your footing, mr. bauer. that goes for you too, mr. dole. campaigning against president bill clinton turns out to be a dangerous affair for bob dole. reaching out to his supporters in california, he falls head first off stage. it turns out that the presidency is just beyond his reach. and speaking of feet, waiting around for dignitaries can be tedious work. president bush takes the opportunity to entertain the press with some fancy footwork
he was hiding behind a mask murdering isis os i can t imagines. he s believed to have been born in kuwait and a british citizen. authorities say they re confident he was killed although they would not confidently confirm that. we go to london to find out more about the man behind the mask. teenage boys goofing around with a basketball, won wearing a backpack shows off some fancy footwork, then someone calls out the name to match the now famous face. mohammed emwazi, confirmed to be jihadi john. in this video, you can see him throw a playful bunch when a bottle is chucked at him. but in front of the camera, he covers his face. emwazi was shy, but not a problem student said his head teacher. who identified him in this video.
so the temptation of some sort of jihadist glory and the battle in syria and iraq may not be quite what it used to be these days. george? jihadi john, where did he come from? a former teacher calls him quiet and reserved. we went to london to find out more about the man who hid behind the mask. reporter: it s an ordinary scene in a west london high scoop. teenage boys goofing around with a basketball. one with a backpack shows off some fancy footwork. then someone calls out the name to match the now famous mouse. d face. mohammed emwazi, confirmed to be jihadi john. in this video, you can see him throw a playful bunch when a