who are still skeptical. let s take a listen to what he had to say on your program. i think it s appropriate the president talk to him. i think we cannot let up on sanctions. the sanctions are working and working very well. that s what has brought iran to even this stage. i think we should make it clear that the sanctions will continue full steam ahead until iran gives up its nuclear weapons and every i is dotted and every t is crossed. friendly exchanges aside, have we seen any real willingness to compromise? that s the $64,000 question and it s going to be part of the president s message of how he wants to put a little bit of shine on what was at best messagingwise an un a little bit of a shaky syria during the whole syria crisis, where he s going to make the argument, yes, it may not have been pretty, the diplomacy at the time and the ramp up to potential air strikes on syria, but look what it led to. them admitting that they have chemical weapons, them