trump won, a fairly large group of elected democrats tried toov overturn what was a free and fair election. they were insurrectionist. the group includedct congressman jimmy raskin from gi paul , barbara lee, sheila jackson, maxine waters, jim mcgovern, others. and thenern on the basis of no evidence whatsoever, nancy pelosi promoted the dangeroust conspiracy theory that the election had been, quote, hijacked by a hostile foreign government. russia thenn on january 13th, 2017 because we kept trackan democratic party holleyman john lewis declared that donald trump was not the legitimate president. talk about breaking our norms. then not surprisingly, on inauguration day, the democratic party s militia descended on washington hundredsn of rioters committed vandalism, overturned cars at one point lit a limousine on fire. most of the violence was concentrated in frankli square. that s justt downn the street from the capital . six police officers were seriously w injured by thehr
trucker rallies in support of what s happening aroundd the world. you mentioned sri lanka. we sawla what s happening there. these are salt of the earth producers that have been pushed tooh far . we re seeing the same thing now in holland, in italy and you ll see it ind y canada, too, if he continues down this very dangerous path, as you rightly point out, the border betweenan canada and the us is just that we re very synergistic when itio comes to food production. we buy a lot of inputs from the u.s., including nitrogen, and we send a lot of product to the u.s. to be processed and then exported to the rest of the world. sos this is going to affect that tenuous situation thatha he s putting us int . but it s food. i mean, the last world leader to mess with the food supply ate scale was mao tse tung and killed tens of millions people in a famine isn t forri the world when you mess with the food supply, you reh really messing with with a with a core structure in any society . i don t thin