Spectrum Health Ludington Hospital provides a bi-weekly community update regarding activities and current information. Some content will be related to the COVID-19 pandemic as new information becomes available or changes occur. Other content will be general information related to Spectrum Health Ludington Hospital.
For the latest COVID-19 information, visit www.spectrumhealth.org/covid-19. The dashboard reflects the 16-county region served by Spectrum Health. Local information can be found on the District Health Department No. 10 web site at www.dhd10.org.
COVID-19 positive cases
The Spectrum Health dashboard as of Dec. 16 shows 248 COVID-19 positive individuals in Spectrum Health facilities, down from 302 two weeks ago. The seven-day average percent positivity rate is 13.4%, down from 19.9% two weeks ago. Throughout the summer months, the positivity rate was 2% to 4%. These numbers reflect the 16-county Spectrum Health service area.