most worry the requirement for all home care staff to have covid vaccines will add to their recruitment problems. our social affairs editor alison holt has been speaking to one family run care company. marion is three hours into what is going to be a very long day. morning, christine. she and her husband run their own home care company, but staff shortages mean both are also out providing support for people like christine. not good? no. the three visits christine gets a day provide the personal care she needs but also allow her to maintain her independence. she s previously been stuck in hospital waiting for home care and knows how miserable it can be. it s hard when you are in hospital and you are bed blocking. what they were doing for me, i can do at home, i can take my own pills, or get my pills, without them coming around me four times a dayjust to give me a pill and i was sitting there doing nothing.
from the home care association. most worry the requirement for all home care staff to have covid vaccines will add to their recruitment problems. our social affairs editor, alison holt has been speaking to one family run care company. marion is three hours into what is going to be a very long day. morning, christine. she and her husband run their own home care company, but staff shortages mean both are also out providing support for people like christine. not good? no. the three visits christine gets a day provide the personal care she needs but also allow her to maintain her independence. she s previously been stuck in hospital waiting for home care and knows how miserable it can be. it s hard when you are in hospital and you are bed blocking. what they were doing for me, i can do at home, i can take my own pills, or get my pills, without them coming around me four times a dayjust to give me a pill and i was sitting there doing nothing. you have a good morning and i ll see you later.