This has been a fabulous this has been a fabulous day. I want to thank barbara who walked in. I agree we have saved the best for last. No question. Whenever i do a Service Event i say we have to hear from young people who are serving or have served because they understand what its about because its at the ground level. Im so excited about this panel. I want to thank my friend bill galston for his overthetop comments. I had the privilege of starting the program, but it wasnt me. I did it with my best friend and college roommate, Michael Brown and others. It was a small group of thoughtful dedicated people. What made it work, it wasnt me or michael, it was people when they experienced this, loved this idea. I am honored to be here. Its like a Family Reunion for me with Service Legends and giants, my brother john bridgeland who i worked closely with for 20 years, thanks to bridge and george w. Bush they got the largest increase in ameri corp. Ever. Susan stroud, whos been carrying this to
Military and civilian National Service. Well hear from americorps members. This has been a fabulous day. I want to thank barbara who walked in. I agree we have saved the best for last. No question. Whenever i do a Service Event i say we have to hear from young people who are serving or have served because they understand what its about because its at the ground level. Im so excited about this panel. I want to thank my friend bill for his overthetop comments. I had the privilege of starting the program, but it wasnt me. I did it with my best friend and college roommate, Michael Brown and others. It was a small group of thoughtful dedicated people. What made it work, it wasnt me or michael, it was people when they experienced this, loved this idea. I am honored to be here. Its like a Family Reunion for me with Service Legends and giants, my brother john bridgeland who i worked closely with for 20 years, thanks to bridge and george w. Bush they got the largest increase in ameri corp. Ever
Folks have been conversations, if you can take them into the hall, please. This has been a fabulous day. I want to thank barbara who walked in. I agree we have saved the best for last. No question. Whenever i do a Service Event i say we have to hear from young people who are serving or have served because they understand what its about because its at the ground level. Im so excited about this panel. I want to thank my friend bill for his overthetop comments. I had the privilege of starting the program, but it wasnt me. I did it with my best friend and college roommate, Michael Brown and others. It was a small group of thoughtful dedicated people. What made it work, it wasnt me or michael, it was people when they experienced this, loved this idea. I am honored to be here. Its like a Family Reunion for me with Service Legends and giants, my brother john bridgeland who i worked closely with for 20 years, thanks to bridge and george w. Bush they got the largest increase in ameri corp. Ever
Whenever we do a Service Event i like to hear from young people who have served. I would like to thank my friend bill, and i had the privilege of helping. It was not me. It was a group of people, i did it with my best friend and college roommate, and others. It was a small group of thoughtful and dedicated people. Ite it work was not michael, was when people experience this love the idea. I am incredibly honored to be here. It is like a Family Member a Family Reunion with Service Members and giants. Thanks the bridge and president george w. Bush, i got the largest increase in americorps ever, 50 . Amazing. Bill, who went into the white house and made it happen. Susan who has been carrying this torch forever, domestically and internationally, helping spread this idea. Steve, who was here. Built the Service Movement for young people, service learning, changing the world and showing that you can be 9, 10, eight, and 12 years old and change the world. I want to thank brookings and bill. Be
Blue Weekend, recorded in Belgium at Brussels IPC Studios with Coldplay/Arcade Fire producer Markus Dravs, is a bold stylistic leap forward for the Mercury Prize winners.