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you put into context that this is an opportunity for leaders to sit down face to face, because as president xi jinping said, nothing really beats a face to face meeting. but one person who won t be here face to face is the russian president vladimir putin. he sent sergey lavrov instead. how do you expect that interaction between russia and other countries to play out? i don t think there countries to play out? i don t think there will countries to play out? i don t think there will be countries to play out? i don t think there will be any - think there will be any interaction. love rob isn t likely to meet any of the countries lavrov. sir lavrov will meet many other countries. i think when you go back to february, people worried that this 620 would collapse and there would not be a meeting because of the just agreement. the fact that it s happening, that they won t have a family photograph, but the thing will