, those seeking a
COVID-19 shot need only bring their
KTP (ID Card) to their nearest health facility providing inoculations distributed by the Provincial or regional health services.
Bali Governor Wayan Koster Gets Immunized
This increasing accessibility was revealed during a program broadcast on
Bali TV on Friday, 05 March 2021. The chairperson for the
Bali Provincial Mobilization Team and Family Health (PKK-Bali) and wife of Bali’s Governor, Putri Suastini Koster, is inviting all
PKK elements island-wide to urge neighbors and friends to seek vaccination.
Ibu Koster said it is the PKK’s responsibility as a Provincial Government partner to ensure the vaccination program against COVID-19 is successful. Adding: “I wish to give an understanding to the public of the importance of vaccination so that we can escape the COVID-19 pandemic.”