The addition of 19 thousand billion tomans, the resources of the government in the year 400 with the resources of the banks are more than 40 thousand billion tomans in total, note 18 facilities were paid with a preferential Interest Rate, 142 thousand people are created, which has definitely been realized and registered for 50 thousand projects at the level of the countrys provinces in 1402, which last years resources were provided with about 17 thousand billion tomans the resources provided by the Program Organization are again nearly 40 thousand billion tomans in the form of leveraged facility resources with a preferential Interest Rate that is almost half of the conventional interest in the Banking Network for entrepreneurs and small and medium projects in the provinces, construction of bookstores in the year new is booming according to the deputy culture and the minister of culture and islamic guidance , cultural and large complexes will be equipped with bookstores. With the approv
Continue beyond 11 50 a. M. Each member other than the majority and minority leaders and minority whip shall be limited to five minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from oregon, mr. Blumenauer, for five minutes. Mr. Blumenauer thank you, mr. Speaker. Friday, the Trump Administration declared war on state legalization of marijuana. As they come out on the wrong side of history and the american public. The Obama Administration recognized that the vast voterdriven movement to legalize marijuana at the state level was something that couldnt be stopped and, in fact, that the federal government shouldnt interfere. Their Justice Department issued guidance known as the cole amendment. That as long as these voterapproved, state legalization efforts were enforced, rigorously and thoughtfully, the federal government wouldnt interfere with what the voters wanted. Friday, sessions and the Trump Administration overruled that guidance and declared open war on the part of 93 u. S. Attorneys who