Pay for themselves and tickets. We dont know why you dont do enforcement. What is the sfmtas opposition to enforcing the regulations that are here to make traffic work rather than letting it be a free for all. If you want to snow slow streets suggestions talk to us, weve got ideas you could use right now in soma. We have no slow streets and we would love them. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. So speaker, if you can start talking. My name is brian and i walk San Francisco vision zero organizer and member of the senior and disability workgroup. We really appreciate all walk San Francisco all that you are doing to keep us moving safely, specifically thank you for this work to speed up muni service and the transit only lanes and so we can actually keep levels high and we know that this is critical not only for public and the pandemic but also for publichealth related to the citys vision zero goal and in terms of ways making it safe to walk we appreciate the slow Streets Programm
That is our intention . And i just want to close with your questions. It feels like a half a dozen topics, but it could be a few more. But these are items that are being discussed, and i really appreciate you raising them and starting that dialogue here. Supervisor preston and thank you for your willingness to have the conversation, and thank you to all the frontline workers who have really formed both the questions and stood in the ontheground reality with folks that are living this crisis. I appreciate everyones work on this, and thanks again. Thank you. President breslin any other comments or questions . Vice president follansbee yeah, this is commissioner follansbee. I think [inaudible] Vice President follansbee regarding potential usefulness which is, of course, not firmed. So the bottom line is if a patient did not get their medications because of some complicating thing, we shouldnt be rewarding the rates based on the unavailability of medications because of overutilization else
Commissioner scott this is commissioner scott. I move the acceptance and staff recommendations contained in the presentation now on page 29 and ive forgotten the earlier page and the resulting rate cards that have been presented. President breslin do i have a second . Vice president follansbee this is commissioner follansbee. I second the motion. President breslin any other discussion . Commissioner zvanski commissioner breslin, im sorry. I was muted, but i do have a couple of questions, if i may. President breslin certainly. Go ahead. Commissioner zvanski ive noticed for some employees, the employee and family plus rate have been going down im sorry for the echo and im wondering why those rates or at least the outofpocket seems to be diminishing. I was curious about that, and i may have misunderstood something. I thought i saw somewhere there was a charge for a u. H. C. Dental h. M. O. , and im wondering what happened because i thought we had delta for employees. And the last thing, i
Other Health Coverage thats not sponsored by one of our employers. Number two here, this is 2 and 3 is in respect to our s. F. A. S with health care s. F. A. S, they can decide to cancel Going Forward for the rest of the plan year, cancel their election. They can make a new election if they had not enrolled in a flexible spending account before. Or they can increase or decrease their election. And this is Going Forward. And number three, applies to our dependent care flexible spending accounts. Again, they can cancel Going Forward in the plan year of their election and make a new election or increase or decrease the election they have made for the plan year 2020. Next slide. So the next one, which is based on i. R. S. Notice 2033, is specific to Health Care Flexible Spending accounts and this is our carryover provision that we currently have in our Health Care Flexible Spending accounts. Typically i would ask you to approve this, again, this september for the following 20202021 plan ye
Variation or shadow of turning. Help us to remember that the function of prayer is not to influence you, almighty god, but to change us. We, therefore, do not pray for an easy life but for the strength to endure a difficult one. Give our senators the wisdom to trust you in the small things, realizing that faithfulness with the least prepares them for fidelity with the much. May they trust you to do what is best for america in good times and in bad. May we place our hope in you and never forget how you have sustained us in the past. We pray in your sacred name. Amen. The president pro tempore pleae join me in reciting the pledge f allegiance to our flag. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Mr. Mcconnell mr. President . The presiding officer the majority leader. Mr. Mcconnell senators have been continuing their work across the aisle senators have been