Daughter s new kitten brings comfort, conflict
Dear Abby
Dear Abby: My 34-year-old daughter lives with me to get ahead on her student loans. She has a good job, pays rent and has a serious boyfriend. My niece, her cousin, recently died by suicide, and naturally, we are all devastated, but my daughter took the news especially hard. I had to be out of town for three weeks, and during this time she has been spending time with my sister-in-law’s family as they all navigate this tragedy.
My niece left behind several pets dogs and a mama cat with kittens. My daughter called me, announced she had brought a kitten home and declared that this kitten has helped her in her grief process. I am livid that she didn’t ask me first (she knew the answer would be a firm “no”). She’s now claiming that I don’t care about her grief.