The government on Thursday afternoon hit back at Rahul Gandhi after the Congress MP's claim Prime Minister Narendra Modi was not born into an Other Backward Class community.
A Lok Adalat in Navi Mumbai settled an Rs 81 lakh settlement between a man’s family and the insurance of the vehicle involved in a 2017 road accident.
like her mum, from covid. she believes the diary tells that story. this one is dated march the third, tuesday. she felt pretty good but the staff situation was bad. in march 2020, the virus took hold in the uk. care providers said they needed more government guidance and that they were struggling to get protective equipment and testing. on march the 17th, the government allowed hard pressed hospitals to discharge patients into care homes without testing or the need to isolate people. margaret s family claim that included into her home. on march 23rd, the country went into lockdown. nearly a month later, as covid deaths in care homes were reaching their peak, margaret writes that her care staff have just started wearing masks. 20th of april, it is the first day for masks. and then 21st of april,
liz is one of the relatives taking legal action against the government and others over what she sees as a failure to properly protect care home residents like her mum from covid. she believes the diary tells that story. this one is dated march the 3rd, tuesday. she felt pretty good. but the staff situation was bad. in march 2020, the virus took hold in the uk. care providers said they needed more government guidance and that they were struggling to get protective equipment and testing. on march the 17th, the government allowed hard pressed hospitals to discharge patientss into care homes without testing or the need to isolate people. margaret s family claim that included into her home. on march the 23rd, the country went into lockdown. nearly a month later, as covid deaths in care homes were reaching their peak, margaret writes that her care staff had just started wearing masks.
liz is one of the relatives taking legal action against the government and others over what she sees as a failure to properly protect care home residents like her mum from covid. she believes the diary tells that story. this one is dated march the 3rd, tuesday. she felt pretty good. but the staff situation was bad. in march 2020, as the virus took hold in the uk, care providers said they needed more government guidance and that they were struggling to get protective equipment and testing. margaret s family claim that included into her home. on march the 23rd, the country went into lockdown. nearly a month later, as covid deaths in care homes were reaching their peak, margaret writes that her care staff had just started wearing masks. the 20th of april. it s the first day for masks. and then, 21st of april all wearing masks.