can t be, that it s the u.s. that is the policemen of the world. that has got to stop because it puts at risk not only the lives of our troops, our men and women who go to fight and die in those words, but an enormous cost to the american taxpayer and money we should be using for medicare and all lower prescription drugs and past family and medical leave act which hillary clinton does not support because she is against the dollar and change increase in taxes that will give family medical leave. all of those things, we should spending money there and not fighting wars in middle east and creating more opposition and hate toward the united states which emboldens that kind of radical islamists like isis. you and bernie sanders sound optimistic and quite confident. we heard from bernie sanders the campaign is on the verge of a historical upset but when you look at the poll numbers, i mean, he is more than 30 points behind. how is he going to make a dent in clinton s lead?
voting threshold for presidential nominee system how the dc circuit court is impacted. that is the only court check. the judges will be fast tracked include professor nina pillar. she is argued cases and briefed them and tens of them before the united states supreme court and won historic cases involving the virginia military institute which opened doors to women and family and medical leave act that with stood constitutional challenge because of her extraordinary skills. these are not ordinary nominees. critics say she has vows far outside of the mainstream and points to writings like this one. anti- abortion laws and restraints preskroib a vision of
it should be under stephens. the verizon share everything plan for small business. get a shareable pool of data. got enough joshua trees? . on up to 25 devices. so you can spend less time. yea, the golden barrels. managing wireless costs and technology and more time driving your business potential. looks like we re going to need to order more agaves. ah! oh! ow! . and more bandages. that s powerful. shareable data plus unlimited talk and text. now save $50 on a droid razr maxx hd by motorola. 20 years ago this past week, president bill clinton signed the family and medical leave act that expanded protections to include 12 weeks of unpaid leave in the event of pregnancy of family medical leave. we have a look back at the moment that impacted so many. i have spent an enormous amount of time in 12 years in factories and businesses of this country talking to employers and
social safety net argument at the same time. shouldn t this be where we can make serious progress in extending fmla? you would think. as president clinton said it was a common sense measure then and now. to do what he said, expand it. laws aren t monuments, they are meant to change is what he said the other day when we celebrated. the problem, partisanship and corporate lobbyists. this was a bipartisan jobs bill. we have a lot of republican support. today it s difficult to do that. we theneed to tell republicans have a movement that is powerful enough that you have to listen to us. that s what our coalitions are doing across the country. it s important that we point out when fmla passed, 163 congressmen in the house that voted against it. 20 years later, 19 of those guys are still in the house and every last one of them is a white man.
inevitable during the winner month, but for thousands of americans, getting sick presents a major financial problem. the prospect of staying home to get better without pay is a major hardship. sarah jane glen joins me now. good morning. good morning. you wrote a piece in the atlantic that it s been 20 years since the family and medical leave act was signed by president clinton and you argue new steps need to be take on the match kind of a work-life world we live in now. make your argument. well, the family and medical leave act was a really important piece of legislation, because it was the first federal law that was explicitly aimed at helping families manage their work responsibilities with their responsibles to their partners and their children. but unfortunately we haven t taken any steps since then, so the fmla will let a worker take unpaid time off where their job is protect sod they can t be fired, but it doesn t offer any wage replacement. if someone has sick, when they