The COVID-19 pandemic forced lawmakers to respond with an array of legislation to help Americans, such as the No Surprises Act, the Families First Coronavirus Responses Act and the Coronavirus Aid.
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Never before have we welcomed a year with quite the hope and exuberance as we welcome 2021. While some good things did happen in 2020, for most employers, 2020 added layers of complexity to the role of human resources that could not have been anticipated this time last year. So what should we expect in 2021?
Employer Monitoring vs. Employee Privacy in the Remote Workspace
During 2020, the pandemic changed the way we lived and worked – and opened the door to a new era of remote working. While many employers will require employees to permanently return to the workplace once the threat of the virus is removed, many will not, and employees will seek out jobs that allow them to live in any location and work from home. This new landscape has required employers to adjust policies and practices to allow for meetings, conferences and business to take place via on-line platforms with participants in different locations. It has