Former Shreveporter Steve Williams Inducted Into WWE Hall of Fame
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It s WrestleMania week, one of the biggest weeks in sports. Many people will claim that professional wrestling isn t a real sport and doesn t deserve to mentioned in the same breathe as let s say the Super Bowl. But, the reality is that WrestleMania typically one of the highest attended sports events in the world, has a massive economic impact on the towns that host the event and is one of the Top 5 sporting events as far as financial value in the world out performing things like the College Football Playoffs, the Final Four and World Series. In short, Mania Week is a big deal.
Former Shreveporter Steve Williams Inducted Into WWE Hall of Fame
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It s WrestleMania week, one of the biggest weeks in sports. Many people will claim that professional wrestling isn t a real sport and doesn t deserve to mentioned in the same breathe as let s say the Super Bowl. But, the reality is that WrestleMania typically one of the highest attended sports events in the world, has a massive economic impact on the towns that host the event and is one of the Top 5 sporting events as far as financial value in the world out performing things like the College Football Playoffs, the Final Four and World Series. In short, Mania Week is a big deal.