Opponents of landing offshore wind cables at Falmouth Heights Beach made their voices heard Wednesday at a Falmouth Select Board hearing.
For more than 90 minutes, the Select Board took public comments about Mayflower Wind’s proposal to bring power ashore in Falmouth.
Most speakers said they don’t want underground power cables to come ashore in Falmouth Heights or be routed through residential areas to a new electric substation.
Mayflower Wind’s cable landing site in Falmouth has been moved to Brayton Point, the company said this week.
Mayflower had proposed Falmouth Heights Beach as a place to bring underground electrical cables ashore from its first offshore wind development south of Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket.
But in a press briefing Wednesday on other wind news, a state official mentioned that Mayflower was moving its cable landing to Brayton Point.
Mayflower’s general counsel, Dan Hubbard, confirmed the news in an interview with CAI.
He said both of Mayflower’s contracted projects one for 800 megawatts and another for 400 megawatts will go to Brayton Point, the site of a former coal-burning power plant.
The town of Falmouth is asking Mayflower Wind to consider alternative locations to bring power ashore from its offshore wind farm.
Mayflower has proposed landing the cables at Falmouth Heights Beach, along Worcester Avenue or the nearby ballfield.