government spending and supporting that certainly shutting down keystone which would affect future supplies from supply and demand, the perception in the market might just go ahead and acknowledge some of this falls on me but by not saying that at all, it reinforces the notion to say it s an issue americans are fed up on. the president in the white house push a narrative that will go back better what improve patient and did not work with the american public and polls show that. that didn t work with joe manchin so they are finding a bill to save money actually does pay for itself but we are getting late in the game so residents argument on inflation have not swayed some within his own party, most notably joe manchin. neil: put down the shuttle.
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what does getting on with your life now mean? i would like to go back to sea. it s what i do. captain hazelwood paid a $50,000 fine and served 1,000 hours of community service in alaska. is there anybody that you blame for that accident? other than myself? uh-huh. no. you don t blame anybody else? no, that would be too easy. i m not going to finger point. a guy missed a turn. people miss turns every day. whether i should have been closer, that falls on me. coming up you still don t have anything to clean it up with. angry fishermen push back against exxon. we were told it would be
whether i should have been closer, that falls on me. coming up you still don t have anything to clean it up with. angry fishermen push back against exxon. we were told it would be cleaned up, it would be taken care of, we wouldn t have to worry. and later, what is captain hazelwood doing now? discover card. i missed a payment. aw, shoot. shoot! this is bad. no! we re good! this is your first time missing a payment. and you ve got the it card, so we won t hike up your apr for paying late. that s great! it is great! thank you. at discover, we treat you like you d treat you. get the it card with late payment forgiveness. suddenly you re a mouthbreather. well, put on a breathe right strip and instantly open your nose up to 38% more than cold medicines alone. so you can breathe and sleep. shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right.
go. the book ended up being honestly other than the west wing my most satisfying creative endeavor, but what i do for my day job s very collaborative. i had the great erin sorkin. there s a great cast. the book s all me. it rises and falls on me. so that it worked is a little extra bit of satisfaction, but i was humbled by people being so gracious about it. it s been fun. what was the single most repetitively boring question that you had to answer on your book tour? nchs my favorite part about the book tour, pierce, piers, i m not sucking up, more people saw our interview than anything i did. more people were complimentary of it. i want to thank you for it because it was really, really fun and in depth.