President deborah rudder discusses issues relevant to the performing arts. The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace recently hosted a discussion on radical extremism. Speakers looked at specific events in the middle east and how they are led to escalating violence in places like afghanistan, syria ander remark. This is an hour and a half. Welcome it is my particulare to afternoon to say that this event is cosponsors by the middle east program as well. In that regard, im happy that we have our Dear Colleague fred with us. The question is entirely in the title, Jihadist Movement in afghanistan, syria and iraq. I mean what are the reason for what we see today and where does it lead and where do we go. To what extent these are social phenomenon, or its the result of perhaps not so smart policy for the past decade or even longer. This is not totally ann er rei irrelevant question, its the question we will try to address this afternoon. To do so, we have three speakers, or four speaker
I have not seen one of those yet, so i cannot give you a solid answer based on any criteria or facts. Why do you represent support representative thornberry as your successor . Did i write that one . [laughter] that is an easy question. Thornberry and i came on with the Armed Services committee at the same time. I was elected in 1992, but i did not get onto the covidien my first term. We came onto the committee at the same time, we sat next to each other for many years now. Ive had the opportunity to watch them, visit his victor, see how he relates to the people in his district. I see how he relates to the other members of the committee. He is very articulate, very smart. He has good leadership skills, very serious. He has also a member been a member of the Intel Committee for a long time. I think he would make an outstanding chairman for the house Armed Services committee, and i strongly support him. I could give you many more reasons, but if you know that copy you the facts, you know
It makes this discussion go way overboard when you put down this country. There are plenty of things wrong with the country, but there is outweighed by what is right with the country including our boys going over there and fighting for those people because those people want what we have. They will always want that. Whether they were put down by a tribe over there or not, that is where they are at. [applause] mr. To sousa, your balanced and broad Historical Perspective shows how important immigration is to this country. People like you are the future of america, not the jaded and cliched blame america for everything tight. I hope your friend gets a visa. Why is there such a consistently hypercritical view of america and the west and the right in our high schools, college, and media . [applause] my question is for mr. Ayers. I have read a lot of your writing and i would like you to comment on what we can do as activists to help prevent the handing over of Public Education to corporate in
I have watched leadership struggle this year was trying to get something done. It is just very difficult. I dont really know the answer to that. One way would be to fix campaignfinance reform again, but because of what is happening i mean, i was being a little facetious when i said it, but really, the only bill that passed last year was the National Defense authorization act. Early this year, we did get get well, did we got the budget passed last year at the end of the year. That was big. At the makeup the spending bill passed this year. We have the farming bill this year. Maybe there is caused to be a little more optimistic that it will be a better year. We already have our budget number to work on is here. The appropriators will be working and i think they want to get back into the game. They have been relevant in the last few years because everyone is just waiting until the end of the year and how long the cr is going to be and that kind of stuff. With the appropriation bills done i
Needed to fully implement the 2012 event strategy and maintain a relevant modern force. Two months ago, rather than fully repealing sequestration, Congress Passed a bipartisan budget act that provided relief in the fiscal year. The 500s and thats the bipartisan budget act health in the next fiscal year. But, that spending remains significantly below what the request is for the fiveyear budget plan. Under the spending plan, dod has 490 billion for this fiscal year. That is 31 billion below what is requested. The law limits spending in 2015 to 496 billion. That is 45 billion less than what is requested and the president budgets request last year. The relief that the budget act provided has forced us to cut over this twoyear period. The 37 billion cut we took last year and the budget control acts tenyear reductions of 487 billion. The sequestration level cuts remain the law for 2016 and beyond. The president will submit a budget request for fiscal year 2015. The military will still face s