prosecution s theory that this boughey ofaking up honor that whole idea. you gave him this it was honor because you knew something about his culture, right? yes. bill: and then the prosecution countered with the two police officers who responded to the prior incidents involving noor and her father. he told me that he would rather spend the rest of h his life in jail than have his daughter continue to disgrace his family and he believes that his family law was higher than our law. bill: finally, detective boughey returned to the stand to read the translation of the jailhouse phone calls al-maleki had made to his wife. using al-maleki s own words against him. no one hits his daughter but honor is dear. when you hear a piece of evidence like that, is there any doubt in your mind that you
bill: and record intended to make the jury confront that issue. in her mind, record would succeed only if the jury returned a verdict of first-degree murder. that meant the killing was premeditated by a man driven by a sense of shame and dishonor. even if the jury convicted al-maleki on the less serious charge of second-degree murder or even manslaughter it would be a devastating loss for record and a victory for al-maleki and his public defenders. ladies and gentlemen, one of the founding fathers of this country thomas jefferson has been quoted as saying nobody can acquire honor by doing what is wrong. bill: january 24, 2011. prosecutor record made her opening argument to the jury as al-maleki, the accused listened to an arabic translation.
his own daughter because it suited his purpose. what do you say so the phone calls from jail where he said honor is precious? nothing is better than honor? i think it sensationalizes what is nothing more than a parent killing a child. i m not saying that because he was from iraq that he may not have had some belief that it was an honor killing but i think in the final analysis what it does is gives him vindication to call it an honor killing and it dishonors the victim. the judge sentenced 50-year-old al-maleki 34 and a half years in prison for his crimes, killing noor, injuring amal and receiving the scene of a serious accident. because my wrath will be nothing compared to the wrath of god if you don t have for
his life on this earth and all in the name of honor. when you made your closing arguments did you think i have got this case sewn up. i never had that level of confidence but i thought we had some jurors in our pocket. al-maleki s lawyer argued this was not a premeditated honor killing and at most his client was guilty of manslaughter because he simply intended to drive close enough to his daughter noor to spit on her. she is not scared of him harming her. she thinks he is going to do something else. spit, embarrass. call her a name. deliberations began. day one. no verdict. day two. they are still deliberating. day three. nothing. what were you thinking then? by that point, i was afraid
no one would talk to us. investigators tell us one way honor violence differs from other kinds of domestic violence is that the family often sides with the attacker, not his victim. in peoria, arizona, police claim that is what happened as they tried to capture faleh al-maleki who fled to europe by way of mexico. he spent two to three days in nogales and took a bus to hhermosillo and from mexico city flew to london. when they ran his passport they found an american warrant for h his arrest. within days he was flying back to the u.s. accompanied by federal marshalls. he landed in atlanta. peoria arizona police