SALT LAKE CITY, Utah (The Daily Dish) – Crime novelist Don Winslow has authored more than 20 acclaimed international bestsellers, including “The Border,” “Savages” and “The Cartel.” His latest (and last before retiring) is a trilogy –“The City”– with the second installment “City of Dreams” released April 18th, 2023. It’s a gritty gangster saga inspired […]
Rita Totoraitis, better known as Miss T, is battling Parkinson's Disease after a 31-year career at West Catholic in Grand Rapids. But getting mail warms her heart.
Staff writer, with CNATaiwanese writer Chi Wei-jan (紀蔚然) has won the Falcon Award from the Maltese Falcon Society in Japan for his debut novel Private Eyes (私家偵探), making him the first Taiwanese to win the honor, Ink Publishing Co said on Tuesday.
Taiwanese writer Chi Wei-jan (紀蔚然) has won the Falcon Award from the Maltese Falcon Society in Japan for his debut novel Private Eyes (私家偵探), making him the first Taiwanese to win the honor, Ink Publishing Co said on Tuesday.
The Falcon Award is presented annually to honor the best hard-boiled mystery novel published in Japan.
Mystery writer and translator Jiro Kimura, who founded the society’s Japanese chapter, announced the news on Twitter.
The Maltese Falcon Society was founded in San Francisco in 1981 based on the 1930 detective novel The Maltese Falcon by US writer Dashiell Hammett.
The organization is no longer active in