FALCK RENEWABLES: SHAREHOLDERS AGREEMENTS Milan, 23 October 2021 - In fulfilment of the requirements of article 129 of Consob Regulation 11971/99, here attached. | October 23, 2021
By Mauro Orru Shares in Italy s Falck Renewables SpA jumped Wednesday after an investor backed by JPMorgan Chase & Co. agreed to buy a controlling stake that will trigger a takeover bid. | October 20, 2021
P +39 02 24331 - W www.falckrenewables.com Cap. Soc. € 291.413.891,00 int.vers. Direzione e coordinamento da parte di Falck S.p.A. Sede legale: Corso Venezia, 16, 20121. | May 27, 2021