about the real record of ronald reagan. senator rand paul wasn t an elected republican official when he said all of those impolitic things about reagan s real record being less than meets the eye. but now rand paul is an elected republican and he s one with national ambitions. and so now, rand paul has to go through the humiliation of taking it all back and saying he really didn t mean it. his response to david corn s reporting at mother jones today, and david corn posting all of this tape, senator paul had to release this statement today, which it just it shows what a problem republicans have created for themselves with this fake reagan history, that they have been selling themselves and trying to sell the country. they turned a real man s legacy into an ideological fairy tale that is not true. and now every republican in the country is stuck having to hold up a little piece of that lie. and this is what happens when they fall down on the job. this was rand paul s statement today, a
laden. he invented lasers and talked rick perry into those new glasses that make him look so smart. he did it all. but ronald reagan did none of those things. and elected republicans have a problem, because they are not allowed to admit that. they re not allowed to admit what was bad or inconvenient about the real record of ronald reagan. senator rand paul wasn t an elected republican official when he said all of those impolitic things about reagan s real record being less than meets the eye. but now rand paul is an elected republican and he s one with national ambitions. and so now, rand paul has to go through the humiliation of taking it all back and saying he really didn t mean it. his response to david corn s reporting at mother jones today, and david corn posting all of this tape, senator paul had to release this statement today, which it just it shows what a problem republicans have created for themselves with this fake reagan history, that they have been selling themselves and
senator rand paul wasn t an elected republican official when he said all of those impolitic things about reagan s real record being less than meets the eye. but now rand paul is an elected republican and he s one with national ambitions. and so now, rand paul has to go through the humiliation of taking it all back and saying he really didn t mean it. his response to david corn s reporting at mother jones today, and david corn posting all of this tape, senator paul had to release this statement today, which it just it shows what a problem republicans have created for themselves with this fake reagan history, that they have been selling themselves and trying to sell the country. they turned a real man s legacy into an ideological fairy tale that is not true. and now every republican in the country is stuck having to hold up a little piece of that lie. and this is what happens when they fall down on the job. this was rand paul s statement today, after he got caught out, not holding up h