A fake letter circulating in Ballia denouncing BJP's candidate Neeraj Shekhar has caused a stir in the political arena. The forged letter alleges dissatisfaction among the people of Ballia and raises concerns about Prime Minister Narendra Modi's electoral goals. Current MP Virendra Singh Mast has denounced the letter as fake and called for legal action. Police are actively investigating the matter.
The letter was submitted to Maharashtra's Chief Minister, Deputy Chief Minister, Mumbai Police Commissioner earlier last month. Mumbai: Police Launches Inquiry into Allegedly 'Fake' Letter Accusing Senior Officers of Sexually Harassing Eight Women Constable.
A day after a letter accusing three police officers of rape, sexual harassment and corruption, purportedly penned by 8 policewomen, surfaced on social media, the Mumbai Police have launched a probe into the matter, an official said on Monday. 📰 Letter Alleging Eight Women Cops Raped by Three Seniors Officers Fake, Finds Mumbai Police Probe.
PETALING JAYA: The viral letter purportedly from Umno Youth calling for an emergency meeting to discuss the party's exit from the unity government is fake, says Dr Akmal Saleh.