week saying that only 22% of the country thinks deficit cutting should be the main goal. does that sound look a majority to you? now, every single poll shows that creating jobs even if it means spending more government money to do so is a much, much higher priority. yet the people in d.c. tell you that deficits are more important. that leads us to this second huge lie. our political leaders tell us we have to cut social security to cut the deficit. that is wrong. it s a lie. it s nonsense. it s not just the republicans, even democrats are on board to cut social security. the president appointed a so-called bipartisan deficit commission they came out with a proposal to cut social security. at least half of the democrats i talked to on air say, we must compromise and cut social security. even ed rendell, who ve i ve respected as a tough progressive fighter in the past, earlier in week told me that we have to