The biggest highlight of the marketing campaign for Durham, N.C.-based Happy Dirt Farms sweet potatoes this spring is education around the product and the growers, said Taylor Meadows, marketing coordinator.
Towards a Sustainable and Equitable System of
Global Food Production
February 1, 2021
The word “agroecology” was first used about a hundred years ago, and it remains the best descriptor for the movements that are rebuilding our relationship with food. The word and practices have been advanced by the global peasant organization La Via Campesina (“the Peasant Way”) for decades, and that along with the fact that, moving forward, agroecology is the most sensible approach for agriculture has led to its use and at least partial endorsement by the governments of France, Cuba, and others, and by the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization, which included agroecology as a key component of its 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.