I think there is another reason to look back at potsdam, as we are reentering a world of Great Power Competition and reentering a world where geopolitics seems to have come back to the fore of International Relations thinking. So it is well worth us coming back to this subject. I am glad to have a chance to talk to you about it. I wish it was in person in kansas city. I wish that we were able to do this facetoface, but we will do the very best that we can. The key thing here that i want to return to throughout this presentation is shown by this photograph here of Winston Churchill, harry truman, and Joseph Stalin smiling and shaking hands. And the point that i really want to reiterate here is that these three men and most of the advisors around them did not believe that what they were doing at potsdam was laying the seeds of a cold war. We know from the scholarship of the 1960s, 1970s, and beyond, a lot of historians read potsdam backwards. That is to say they read it as a start of the
Conference and theyre always occasions for looking back and drawing attention and theres another reason to look back at potsdam as we are reentering a world of Great Power Competition and reentering a world where geopolitics seems to have come back to the fore of international thinking and International Relations thinking. So it is well worth us coming back to this subject. So im especially glad to have a chance to talk to you about it. I wish it was in person again in kansas city. I wish that we weraible to do this face to face, but we will do the very best that we can. The key thing here that i want to return to throughout this presentation is shown by this photograph here of Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin and smiling and shaking hands and the point i want to reiterate here is that these three men and most of the advisers around them did not believe that what they were doing at potsdam was laying the seeds of a cold war. We know from the scholarship of the 1960s, 70s and beyond, a
Opening statements at hearings are limit to the chair or the ranking minority member or his designee. This will allow us to hear from our witnesses sooner and help members keep to their schedules. Therefore im asking for unanimous consent that all of the members Opening Statements be made part of the hearing record if they are submitted to the clerk by 5 00 p. M. Today. Hearing no objection so ordered. Without objection the chair may also declare a recess subject to the call of the chair. As described in the notice statements, documents or motions must be submitted to the electronic repository hnrc. Mail. House. Gov. Additionally please note in all full person meetings members are responsible for their own microphones. With our fully inperson meetings members can be muted by staff only to avoid inadvertent background noise. Anyone present in the hearing room today must wear a mask covering their mouth and nose. The speaker of the house and the sergeant at arms acting upon the recommend
Unconstitutional dramas behind 12 Historic Supreme Court discussions. Quite often in many of our most famous decisions, the court made a unpopular decision. Lets go through a few cases that illustrate dramatically and visually what it means to live and a society with different people who stick together because they believe in the rule of law good evening and welcome to landmark cases tonight were going to look at 1886 case in which the Supreme Court ruled the equal protection guarantees apply not just to citizens but noncitizen s in the next 90 minutes will learn about what led to the case and the effect of its decision on American Society our two guests will help us understand all of this a professor of american. ,. , she will help us to understand the issues around chinese immigration and the chinese exclusion act in the. The president and founder of the organization that creates historical material for has. Give us the most basic facts about this case. So the decision came 18 years
They say that they are going to begin a phase three trial later this month, but until they have that data, and they havent published any of the early data either, the long term effects and the safety of the vaccine remain unclear ive been talking with experts this morning from the childrens hones hospital of philadelphia and he says that there is no way that they could have any evidence that the vaccine works at this point. And it is based on technology that is not dissimilar from what other Vaccine Developers are working on, essentially using two other harmless viruses to ferry genetic material from the coronavirus to produce a immune response against it. J j is pursuing one vector using that same approach so not a lot known about this and experts are concerned that russia is approving this before they know if the vaccine can really protect people and if there are any safety concerns that would turn up when the vaccine is administered to more people they say in the United States and o