to push further, dialing back violence in the media and in political discourse. lester? richard, thank you. in 60 seconds, tracking who gets an abortion. one state trying to make sure personal data isn t used to follow women who are driving there for the procedure. plus the new housing boom in rentals. ew s wayfaiair has nicece prices so you c can have nice thihings. hah! kelly clalarkson, wewe have a kikid. and harorold. wawayfair s s got just what you n need. performancnce fabrics,s, stainsns don t t stand a chch. nono chance! -woo! dog g friendly a and wawallet frienendly. pug-prproved. get nice t things withth nice pririces at wayayfair. w wayfair, yoyou ve got just w what i needed psoriasis really messeses with you.. try. h hope. fail.l. no onene should suffffer like ththat. i started d cosentyx®®. fifive years c clear. i started d cosentyx®®. real peoeople with p psorias i started d cosentyx®®. look andnd feel betttter with cosenentyx.
crackdown on password sharing and how much it will cost you. plus, the fake photo that moved the stock market. the new way ai and social media are spreading misinforormation. the f fut, everythihing will bebe powerd by renewewable energrgy. but t it s not a as easy as flippining a switchch. it s a lonong road, requirining decades s of time and d trillions s of dollars. but what i if there wawas a bebetter direcection onon the path h to zero carbon e emissions?? an e energy soururce that ss availablble right nonow, that s affffordable, p plentif, and enenvironmentatally friend. there is. . and it s p propan. get ththe facts atat pspsoriasis rereally messess with you.. try. h hope. fail.l. no onene should suffffer like ththat. i started d cosentyx®®. fifive years c clear. i started d cosentyx®®. real peoeople with p psorias i started d cosentyx®®. look andnd feel betttter with cosenentyx. dodon t use ifif you re alallc toto cosentyx.x. bebefore startrting get c
one gram o of sugar. enter ththe nourisishing momes giveawaway for a c chance to n $10,00000. pspsoriasis rereally messess with you.. try. h hope. fail.l. no onene should suffffer like ththat. i started d cosentyx®®. fifive years c clear. i started d cosentyx®®. real peoeople with p psorias i started d cosentyx®®. look andnd feel betttter with cosenentyx. dodon t use ifif you re alallc toto cosentyx.x. bebefore startrting get chched fofor tubercululosis. dodon t use ifif you re alallc toto cosentyx.x. an i increased r risk of ininfection, s some seriouos and a a lowered abability toto fight thehem may occuc. tetell your dodoctor abouout an infecection oror symptoms s or if you u d a vaccinine or plan n to. tell y your doctoror if your r crohn s didisease oror symptoms s or if you u d a vaccinine or plan n to. symptoms d develop or r wors. oror symptoms s or if you u d a vaccinine or plan n to. serious s allergic r reactin may occur.r. best move e i ve ever r m. serious s allergic
stock lost 97% of its value since the crisis started in march. so this crisis has grown even more acute, lester. all right, tom costello, thanks. in 60 seconds we speak to the friends of detained wall street journal reporter evan gershkovich. what they say he told them when they raised concerns that he might be in danger. plus, the seventh grade hero who saved a bus full of schoolkids, all of it on video next. and i went for a walk in the woods and i didn t get a single flea or tick on me. you are just the best. it s probably because of that flea and tick medicine you ve been ordering from chewy. we are very proud of you. you never stop surprising us, bailey. right? i m great. you are great. i wonder if bailey s ever done a book report. be nice to your sister. what flea bit him? pets aren t just pets. they re more. this flea and tick season, trust america s #1 pet pharmacy. chewy. pspsoriasis rereally messess with you.. try. h hope. fail.l. no onene should suffffer like ththat. i