least half of the nasty stuff in the air in salt lake city. then you add the factory smoke and the aerosols and the aerosot help. the officials say there if you cannot limit your driving, try to slow down the governor has not declared a health emergency but if the 0 governor does that it could lead to very, very strict cutbacks for the remainder of the winter. it s so cold in salt lake city. the shut down the airport because there was ice on the runway and a plane skidded off. well, we have had a bit of an incident now. this is shred you tape just in. two united airlines planes, it is believed, bumped their wings at their gates in dulles. you can see this is the airport in virginia, right outside of santelli, virginia.
thank goos for thank goodness for government. not something i say often. but there are some things i want my government to do including things not listed in here in the constitution. something the founders never thought about. pollution control. my beloved free market isn t so great handling that one. one factory smoke goes to other people s lungs. what does the factory care? some libertarians argue we could sue the polluters. our legal system is so gummed up that really wouldn t work and take forever, cost a fortune mostly enrich the lawyers. that s why i would say thank goodness for the epa, the environmental protection agency. they made the air cleaner than it used to be. when i was a kid in this town you couldn t open windows, the suit would come in. water ol pougs rules thank goodness. the water outside of the studio was once disgusting now that s