president. you remember immediately in the wake of her testimony thursday a week ago everyone was saying, wow, she was really credible and there was all sorts of concern among republicans because she was so credible. at least to the points that you re making do you think people believed her and that may be for political reasons and those that suggest the fbi inquiry was not complete enough, that is where one can then say something happened to her, we re just not sure it s brett kavanaugh. so, in other words, it s given women at least some inspiration. you can come forward, we don t know what the results of that will be, but we re willing to listen? you know, i do think that this has to be the beginning of a conversation. we can t let it go disappear again as i ve seen so many times in my lifetime. you know, i ve said this from the beginning and i want to be really clear, that the me too movement isn t real until it s real for the factory floor worker, for the waitress, for the lawyer
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certainly a lot of very disturbing allegations and ethics committee and the leadership of the republican and democratic party have to make sure that this moves quickly, and people are stepping up to what s here, because it isn t okay, it isn t okay anywhere and david, what s really bothering me is we re focused on hollywood, focused on congress, focused on the media. we re not going to get real change or what s really wrong in this country is the waitress, the factory floor worker, the lawyer trying to make partner, the doctor, even a hospital. i cannot tell you, it has been hundreds of women in the last week who have come up to share their story, and we ve got to figure out yes, congress needs to act, what we re going to do next week isn t enough but we have to act so women are protected across the country at every level. what is the path forward for you then? he mentioned there will be a vote in the house new policies that could be put in place for capitol hill members and their st
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