Priyanka Chopra Jonas, who returned to India a few days ago to attend the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre gala event with her husband Nick Jonas and daughter Maltie Marie, recently visited Siddhivinayak Temple with her baby girl. Taking to social media, she posted a few photos stating that MM’s first India trip was completed with the temple visit.
Ekta Kapoor’s Bekaboo, featuring Bigg Boss 16 star Shalin Bhanot and Eisha Singh in the lead roles, recently premiered on Colors TV and is fetching a positive response. Bigg Boss 10 fame Monalisa is playing a pivotal role in it. In a recent interview, she talked about the show and revealed plans of starting family with husband Vikrant.
Anupamaa Update: The current track revolves around the separation of Anuja Kapadia and Anupama. While Mehul Nasir aka Anupama’s brother Bhavesh is reportedly returning, speculations are rife that Aneri Vajani aka Mukku too might return to the show. Rupali Ganguly recently wished Aneri on her birthday and posted a photo which has left fans confused.
Shah Rukh Khan on Pathaan cnotroversy, hurting sentiments, causing harm to culture and religion | Shah Rukh Khan breaks silence on Pathaan controversy after massive box office success of film. aaa
Hollywood actor Jason Momoa is supporting Zoe Kravitz for her work after his breakup with her mom Lisa Bonet. As per People magazine, earlier this month, Momoa, 42, and Bonet, 54, revealed in a joint statement that they are parting ways in marriage. Jason Momoa Is Proud of Zoe Kravitz, Shares The Batman Poster After Lisa Bonet Split.