towns. when we grow american manufacturing, we don t just grow wages, but also grow americ spirit. when we purchase products made in america, fashioned by our fellow citizens, we renew the bonds that link us all together as one. there a great patriotism who lives in the men and women who leave their hearts on the factor floors and pour their hopes into iron and steal and turn dreams into reality with their own two hands. when they are at the rest stop or at the long of a very tiring shift, they take pride in knowin that they work and make are not just think business, but buildi families and commun most of all,
then. the republican party was the party of civil rights. the democratic party was hampered. in fact, ham strung by its southern members who were all dixiecrats and seg graggationists. there was a different time. johnson turned all that around. as a result, the democrats lost the south. i mean, that s why kennedy was in texas that day trying to hold on to the state he needed because had he lost mississippi, alabama, louisiana, and those kind of states were gone. in fact, in my book, i talk about how he was in the car with john connolly the governor and jim wright the local congressman heading to the airport in an open car. there s tape of that. he s asking them why is dallas so right wing and fort worth so yellow dog democrat? it had to do with the shape of the industry in fort worth. it was all factor floors and stock yards. but you move over to dallas, it s high-rise buildings, insurance, finance, white collar jobs, people wanting to go to the next floor and be and vote republican. s