A crafty WhatsApp scam strategy was recently discovered targeting unsuspecting parents and their money. Scammers would impersonate children who "need money immediately" for their allowance or other related payments.
Residents from all over United States have supported an online petition for the fourth stimulus check. The proposal has already received more than 2.9 signatures and is recognized to be one of the most signed petitions on Change.org.
Breach of privacy! Data of 1.5 billion Facebook users found for sale on hacker forum - Data stolen could give clues to a hacker to hack passwords, allow them to intercept one-time login codes, phish, send scam text messages and more.
The current maximum Social Security retirement benefit is $3,895 per month or approximately $47,000 per year. The payment could still grow depending on the 2022 COLA adjustments. Recipients can get their monthly payment estimates for 2021 and 2022 through the SSO online calculator.