vote. it s a very passionate, emotional issue, an issue people feel passionately about. though it s not necessarily in another situation the deciding issue, immigration is not necessarily deciding issue for voters, when you take something away that has been there for a lot of people, that s a really significant thing that will not go unnoticed. so it s going to be an interesting question, both for democrats, will they make a deal. and it sounds like right now they don t want to make a deal if it involve ace wall and for republicans that have to run in states with large hispanic populations, populations that are familiar with immigrants coming in that may react to this quite poorly. gop members last year put out proposals for border security that did not involve the wall, as the president has actually tried to sell it to the public. this is some internal tension for the republican party, too, of how hard it will go for this deal that the president says he want. right. they seem to be