and getting back at people. i m really looking forward to a psychological autopsy or some even a neuro problem, a neurological problem that may have to do with brain pathology. we need to know the answers to this so that we can try to prevent this in the future. but i would say anger and control. that stands out the most. jonathan, let me get your perspective. everyone talks about a profile. i m starting to believe there doesn t exist a profile anymore. this guy is older than they re supposed to be. his brother he lives in a retirement community. his brother says he has money. no hate group ties, no political motivation right now. i could go on and on. i think what we re seeing time and time again with this attack and others, is that there s, you know, the norms don t exist. you know, there s a changing face of terrorism, we see that constantly, a changing face of, you know, people who are engaging in this horrific act. no simple answer. that s a challenge for law