i want a permit to carry where i might feel threatened. but i was told, you failed to demonstrate a special need. the license adviser told me i had applied for the permit the wrong way. friends of the ruling class, that s who get it. everyone else you re out of luck. donald trump got a per notice carry a gun. so did howard stern and robert denear roy. the ronnyism way. many you have done work for someone who knows a senator. that s the approach. they ll get you in front of a jump and within two or throw days you ll have a permit. these individuals can afford to pay for security. my family can t. there s no way in hell i m going to let this lie. when we return, the red tape michael, tell us why you used priceline express deal to book this fabulous tel. wellou can see if a hotel is pet-friendly before y book it and i got great deal without bidding. and where s yoururry friend? i don t ha a cat. save up to 5 during priceline s holidahotel sale.
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to book this fabulous tel. wellou can see if a hotel is pet-friendly before y book it and i got great deal without bidding. and where s yoururry friend? i don t ha a cat. save up to 5 during priceline s holidahotel sale. use promo code holiday for amazing savings on express deal hotels. now this sale won t last forever so dash on over to priceline.com. express deals. priceline savings without the bidding.
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everglades with take them out before they get us. i like the way you think, joe. have a calm weekend. you the same. great holiday. yes. what will you be doing at kris snas. hunkered down with the fam in an undisclosed location. that s nice. good. enjoy yourself. all right. you have a comment on the show? e-mail us. got a video of your animal doing something? click on submit a video. we might use it. coming up, a strange proposal. michael, tell us why you used priceline express deal to book this fabulous tel. wellou can see if a hotel is pet-friendly before y book it and i got great deal without bidding. and where s yoururry friend? i don t ha a cat. save up to 5 during priceline s holidahotel sale. use promo code holiday for amazing savings on express deal hotels. now this sale won t last forever