Acclaimed spoken English professor, academician and theologian Rev Dr Francis Soundararaj died in Chennai on Friday. The 86-year-old former Principal of the premier Madras Christian College (MCC) was going through Parkinson's disease and Dementia ove
After a 40-day dalliance with vegetarianism, Easter was always a time to indulge
There’s more to the Easter feast than chocolate bunnies and painted eggs. In fact, the real hero of Easter apart from the Risen Christ himself is the meat!
As Easter is the culmination of 40 days of fasting and penitence, it’s only fair that the feast is one of grand indulgence. I remember how, growing up in the 70s and 80s in Madras (now Chennai), the season of Lent was a time of complete abstinence at home, when even eggs were off the menu. Stretching into 46 days (to include Holy Week), it was a time to embrace a variety of vegetarian dishes, pachchadis, pickles and vadams, which blended quite well with the onset of spring and summer. Surprisingly, this brief dalliance with vegetarianism would be quite spiritually uplifting, and I wouldn’t really miss the meat until Easter.